Next create a typescript file and paste in the following code
import { EAS } from "@ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk";
import { EAS, Offchain, SchemaEncoder, SchemaRegistry } from "@ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk";
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
export const EASContractAddress = "0xC2679fBD37d54388Ce493F1DB75320D236e1815e"; // Sepolia v0.26
// Initialize the sdk with the address of the EAS Schema contract address
const eas = new EAS(EASContractAddress);
// Gets a default provider (in production use something else like infura/alchemy)
const provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(
// Connects an ethers style provider/signingProvider to perform read/write functions.
// MUST be a signer to do write operations!
// The UID of the attestation we want to fetch
const uid = "0xff08bbf3d3e6e0992fc70ab9b9370416be59e87897c3d42b20549901d2cccc3e";
const attestation = await eas.getAttestation(uid);