Reading attestation offchain

This step-by-step guide will run you through programatically reading attestations offchain using Typescript SDKs for EAS and Verax protocols.


Find the full Verax SDK documentation here.

Start by installing the Verax SDK package.

# npm
npm i --save @verax-attestation-registry/verax-sdk

Next create a typescript file in a node project and paste the following code.

// ES6
import { VeraxSdk } from "@verax-attestation-registry/verax-sdk";

const veraxSdk = new VeraxSdk(VeraxSdk.DEFAULT_LINEA_TESTNET_FRONTEND);

const attestationDataMapper = veraxSdk.attestation; // RW Attestations

const myAttestation = await attestationDataMapper.findOneById("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000109b");

// args:
// 	- criteria: object {property1: value1, property2: value2, ...}
// 	- page: integer (optional, default 0)
// 	- offset: integer (optional, default 50, max= 500)
// 	- orderBy: string (optional, default createdAt)
// 	- order(property?): enum string "ASC", "DESC" (optional, default "DESC")
const myAttestations = await attestationDataMapper.findBy(
  { portalId: "37773", subject: "John" },



Find the full EAS SDK documentation here.

Start by installing the EAS SDK package.

npm install @ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk

Next create a typescript file and paste in the following code

import { EAS } from "@ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk";
import { EAS, Offchain, SchemaEncoder, SchemaRegistry } from "@ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk";
import { ethers } from 'ethers';

export const EASContractAddress = "0xC2679fBD37d54388Ce493F1DB75320D236e1815e"; // Sepolia v0.26

// Initialize the sdk with the address of the EAS Schema contract address
const eas = new EAS(EASContractAddress);

// Gets a default provider (in production use something else like infura/alchemy)
const provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(

// Connects an ethers style provider/signingProvider to perform read/write functions.
// MUST be a signer to do write operations!

// The UID of the attestation we want to fetch
const uid = "0xff08bbf3d3e6e0992fc70ab9b9370416be59e87897c3d42b20549901d2cccc3e";

const attestation = await eas.getAttestation(uid);


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