Quick Start
Code Structure
Clone the following repo: https://github.com/CliqueOfficial/clique-sibyl-demo-data-connector .
Assume the Data Connector is named SibylDemoDataConnector
, the file structure should look like the following:
Copy ├── Dockerfile.sibyl
├── Dockerfile.DCsv2.sibyl
├── Dockerfile.DCsv2.pccs
├── docker-compose.yml
├── docker-compose-dcap.yml
├── connectors
│ └── SibylDemoDataConnector
│ ├── .cargo
│ │ └── config.toml
│ ├── Cargo.toml
│ └── src
│ ├── demo.rs
│ └── lib.rs
└── sibyl.toml
: build the sibyl
Copy FROM asia-northeast1-docker.pkg.dev/clique-demo/clique-sibyl-base:2.2.2 AS BUILDER
COPY . $APP_DIR/SibylDataConnectors
RUN rm -rf $APP_DIR/SibylDataConnectors
FROM asia-northeast1-docker.pkg.dev/clique-demo/clique-sibyl-base:2.2.2
: build the DCsv2 sibyl
Copy FROM asia-northeast1-docker.pkg.dev/clique-demo/clique-sibyl-dcsv2-base:2.2.2 AS BUILDER
COPY . $APP_DIR/SibylDataConnectors
RUN rm -rf $APP_DIR/SibylDataConnectors
FROM asia-northeast1-docker.pkg.dev/clique-demo/clique-sibyl-dcsv2-base:2.2.2
: build the custom DCAP
Service for DCsv2
Copy FROM baiduxlab/sgx-rust@sha256:fbf4b495a0433ee2ef45ae9780b05d2f181aa6bbbe16dd0cf9ab5b4059ff15a5
RUN bash -c "wget -qO - https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx_repo/ubuntu/intel-sgx-deb.key | apt-key add -"
RUN apt update && apt install -y libsgx-dcap-quote-verify= libsgx-dcap-quote-verify-dev= libsgx-dcap-default-qpl= libsgx-dcap-default-qpl-dev= libsgx-dcap-ql= libsgx-dcap-ql-dev= sgx-pck-id-retrieval-tool=
RUN cd /tmp && curl -o setup.sh -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x && chmod a+x setup.sh && ./setup.sh
RUN apt-get -y install nodejs sqlite3 python build-essential cracklib-runtime dkms
RUN mkdir /etc/init
RUN bash -c 'apt install -y sgx-dcap-pccs= < <(printf "Y\n\n\nY\n8081\nN\ne0dd86294fb54b109e4ce6961af4b952\nLAZY\n97294597\n97294597\n97294597\n97294597\nY\nUS\nNY\nNY\nClique2046\n\n\nxwt97294597@gmail.com\n97294597\n\n")'
WORKDIR /opt/intel/sgx-dcap-pccs
ENTRYPOINT [ "node" , "-r" , "esm" , "pccs_server.js" ]
: deploy sibyl
Copy version : "3.1"
services :
sibyl :
image : sibyl
devices :
- /dev/sgx/enclave
- /dev/sgx/provision
restart : always
ports :
- 3443:3443
command :
- "--addr"
- ""
- "--maxconn"
- "128"
: deploy sibyl
with custom DCAP
Copy version : "3.1"
services :
clique-pccs :
image : pccs
hostname : clique-pccs
ports :
- 8081:8081
devices :
- /dev/sgx/enclave
- /dev/sgx/provision
networks :
- resolute
restart : always
sibyl :
image : sibyl
depends_on :
- clique-pccs
devices :
- /dev/sgx/enclave
- /dev/sgx/provision
networks :
- resolute
restart : always
ports :
- 3443:3443
command :
- "--addr"
- ""
- "--maxconn"
- "128"
networks :
resolute :
external :
name : resolute
: source codes of the Data Connectors.
: sibyl
config file.
Implement A Data Connector
Generate connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/.cargo/config.toml
Copy [net]
git-fetch-with-cli = true
rustflags = [ "-Lprebuild" ]
Generate connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/Cargo.toml
Copy [package]
name = "sibyl_demo_data_connector"
version = "2.1.0"
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT"
readme = "README.md"
include = [ "src/**/*.rs" , "README.md" ]
default = [ "mesalock_sgx" ]
mesalock_sgx = []
Generate connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/src/lib.rs
Copy #![cfg_attr(not(target_env = "sgx" ), no_std)]
#[cfg(all(feature = "mesalock_sgx" , not(target_env = "sgx" )))]
extern crate sgx_tstd as std;
extern crate sibyl_base_data_connector;
pub mod demo;
Generate connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/src/demo.rs
Copy use std :: prelude :: v1 ::* ;
use sibyl_base_data_connector :: utils :: simple_tls_client;
use sibyl_base_data_connector :: base :: DataConnector ;
use sibyl_base_data_connector :: serde_json :: Value ;
use sibyl_base_data_connector :: errors :: NetworkError ;
use std :: convert :: TryInto ;
pub struct DemoConnector {}
impl DataConnector for DemoConnector {
fn query ( & self, query_type : & Value , query_param : & Value ) -> Result < Value , NetworkError > {
let query_type_str = match query_type . as_str () {
Some (r) => r,
_ => {
let err = format! ( "query_type to str failed" );
println! ( "{:?}" , err);
return Err ( NetworkError :: String (err));
match query_type_str {
"demo_post" => {
let host = query_param[ "host" ] . as_str () . unwrap_or ( "" );
let port = query_param[ "port" ] . as_i64 () . unwrap_or ( 443 );
let post_body = query_param[ "post_body" ] . as_str () . unwrap_or ( "" );
let url = query_param[ "url" ] . as_str () . unwrap_or ( "/" );
let req = format! (
"POST {} HTTP/1.1\r\n\
HOST: {}\r\n\
User-Agent: curl/7.79.1\r\n\
Accept: */*\r\n\
Content-Type: application/json\r\n\
Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n\
{}" ,
url, host, post_body . len (), post_body
simple_tls_client (host, & req, port . try_into () . unwrap ())
"demo_get" => {
let host = query_param[ "host" ] . as_str () . unwrap_or ( "" );
let port = query_param[ "port" ] . as_i64 () . unwrap_or ( 443 );
let url = query_param[ "url" ] . as_str () . unwrap_or ( "/" );
let req = format! (
"GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\n\
HOST: {}\r\n\
User-Agent: curl/7.79.1\r\n\
Accept: */*\r\n\r\n" ,
url, host
simple_tls_client (host, & req, port . try_into () . unwrap ())
_ => {
Err ( NetworkError :: String ( format! ( "Unexpected query_type: {:?}" , query_type)))
Sibyl Config
We need to generate sibyl.toml
to configurate the data connector:
Copy [connectors]
# The format of the connector name should be sibyl_{CONNECTOR_ROUTE}_data_connector
sibyl_demo_data_connector = { path = "./connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector" }
We will integrate sibyl_demo_data_connector
into the Sibyl Service from the specified path.
In connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/src/demo.rs
, query_type_str
must start with demo.
You can configure it through route
Copy [connectors]
sibyl_demo_data_connector = { route = 'demo_query' , path = "./connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector" }
Now we will load the connector code from sibyl_demo_data_connector::demo_query::DemoConnector
, and you should:
Rename connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/src/demo.rs
to connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/src/demo_query.rs
Replace demo_post
and demo_get
with demo_query_post
and demo_query_get
in connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/src/demo_query.rs
Replace pub mod demo;
with pub mod demo_query;
in connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/src/lib.rs
By default, we will load the connector code from sibyl_demo_data_connector::demo::DemoConnector
. You can configure it through connector
Copy [connectors]
sibyl_demo_data_connector = { connector = 'DemoQueryConnector' , path = "./connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector" }
Now you can replace DemoConnector
with DemoQueryConnector
in connectors/SibylDemoDataConnector/src/demo.rs
, and load the connector code from sibyl_demo_data_connector::demo::DemoQueryConnector
Build & Deploy
Copy docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.sibyl .
Copy docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.DCsv2.sibyl .
Build DCsv2 with custom DCAP service:
Copy docker build -t pccs -f Dockerfile.DCsv2.pccs .
Copy docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
Deploy Sibyl with custom DCAP service:
Copy docker compose -f docker-compose-dcap.yml up
Then Sibyl will run and listen on port 3443.
For Azure VMs, custom DCAP service is only avaiable for DCsv2 and is not supported in DCsv3.
For example, if you want to make a get query for https://api.github.com/repos/github/repo-name
Copy curl -k --location 'https://localhost:3443/query' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query_type": "demo_get",
"query_param": {
"host": "api.github.com",
"url": "/repos/github/repo-name",
"port": 443
Last updated 7 months ago